tea infused truffles

This is a straightforward and fool proof recipe that results in the most heavenly truffle. In the interest of time, I often use a silicon mold to form the truffles. However, if you don’t have or don’t care to use a mold, hand rolled truffles look amazing. You can infuse the truffles with any flavor of tea or dried herb that you fancy. I’ve had luck with mint, lemon verbena, Earl Grey and our house favorite, Paris Tea by Harney & Sons. These truffles are just the thing to savor with a cup of green tea (best way ever to get your anti-oxidants) and they will make you very welcome at your next party. Have fun, be creative, and share them with those you love. xx


2/3 cup heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoons loose tea (I’ve used Paris by Harney & Sons)

2 tablespoons honey

1 1/3 cups dark chocolate chips (I often use Ghirardelli 65%)

cocoa powder

Infuse the Cream

Use a heavy bottomed saucepan to bring the cream to a gentle simmer.  Remove the cream from the stove and add the tea. Cover with a lid and allow the tea to infuse the cream for 15 minutes. Use a mesh strainer to separate the tea from the cream. Discard tea. Add honey to cream and mix well.

Create the Ganache

In a double boiler or a metal bowl over a steaming saucepan (see photo below), combine chocolate chips and cream mixture. Warm and whisk the cream and chocolate until you’ve created a smooth and fully incorporated ganache. Remove from heat.

Make the Truffles

If you are using a mold to form the truffles, dust the molds lightly with cocoa powder.  Then spoon the chocolate mixture into the molds.  Dust again with cocoa powder.  Place molds in the fridge to firm up.

To make hand rolled truffles, place the ganache in the fridge (for about an hour) until the the mixture is firm enough to roll. Place cocoa powder on a plate. Set aside another tray or plate on which to place the finished truffles. You’ll want to have everything ready because the hand rolling step is quite messy. To create the truffles, scoop out about a tablespoon of chocolate and use the palm of your hands to roll into balls. Finish by rolling lightly in cocoa powder and set aside your finished truffle.

Enjoy Your Truffles

I like to keep the truffles in a covered container the fridge. They can be a bit soft otherwise. They are wonderful to make ahead of time as they taste even better after the flavors have had a chance to meld.  All in all, they will last about a week, though I doubt they’ll be around that long.

Adapted from Ashley English via Design Sponge.
